Experiential Therapy


Learn more about how Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Expressive Arts, Sand Tray Therapy, and Psychodrama can transform your life.

Mindfulness and Body Work


Learn more about how mindfulness can help you lead a more intentional, fulfilling life and how the body keeps the score.

Couples Counseling


Learn more how couples counseling can help rebuild trust and commitment in your relationships

 Increasing self-awareness and self-compassion

The question is not what’s wrong with you it’s what happened to you.

⋮ The Therapist

Hi there! I am Jill Terhune. As a therapist I have found that many times the most disturbing part of a traumatic experience is the negative belief you have about yourself afterwards such as “It’s my fault.” or “I am unlovable or unsafe.” These negative beliefs and how they are stored in the body have a profound effect on our health and our relationships. Through my work in sexual assault centers, domestic violence shelters, in private practice, and at Onsite Workshops I have learned how trauma is stored in the body, how it keeps us from living in the present moment and how it keeps us from connecting to those around us. Through EMDR, expressive arts, psychodrama, body work, and mindfulness, I have helped many overcome these challenges and lead more intentional fulfilling lives. Working with me feels like receiving unconditional positive regard, gentle confrontation and resource building in order to delve into past wounds with a deeply open, knowledgeable, and compassionate ally.


Value Proposition

Maybe as your reading this you are feeling trepidacious, fearful that therapy won't help, but desperate for change. Maybe you are scared of being judged and of what you will find when you go through the layers of yourself and your experiences, but are hopeful for a change in trajectory. Maybe you have found it difficult to find a qualified, caring professional and feel stigmatized by labels, but want to feel personalized, understood, peaceful, confident, and hopeful.

Here at Affirming Life Therapy we define trauma as anything less than a life affirming experience and want you to know that regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, relationship dynamics, or past you are welcome and respected here. We want to help affirm that you are lovable, capable, and worthy. Help us help you find peace.

Call to Action

For questions or to schedule an appointment email Jill Terhune, Ed.S, LPC at jill@affirminglifetherapy.com